The rural lifestyle isn’t for everybody. Many people enjoy the hustle and bustle of larger cities or the convenience that comes with being able to get anything you need within a couple of miles. However, living in a more rural area also has many distinct advantages. Rural regions are typically much quieter, allowing people to relax and take more stock in their life. Living out in the countryside often provides more space and opportunities to build and grow things.
Unfortunately, one common negative side effect of living in a more remote region is a lack of connectivity. Essential things like phone signals and fast internet service are more difficult to maintain. So, if you’re considering moving to a rural area, it’s important to know how to stay connected and what you can do to keep your signal boosted. Whether you live on a farm, in a small town, or in a cabin in the woods, SureCall Boosters is here to help ensure that you maintain quality cell service.
Why Remote Regions Have Weak Signals
One of the first things to consider when trying to enhance your signal in a rural area is why the signal is so poor in the first place. Truthfully, there isn’t a single explanation, and it often comes down to several factors that may not apply to a specific remote zone.
The first and generally most common reason is that remote areas have weaker signals because of a lack of cellular towers from service providers. Fewer towers and the distance from these towers to your home often mean a weak, unreliable signal. Cell towers operate by service providers paying the manufacturers and operators of these towers to send out signals.
The reality is that many providers don’t want to pay the higher prices of ensuring a strong signal in a more remote region. Without as many users living in a rural area as a big city, creating a stronger signal in those areas is typically not a priority for many carriers.
One of the other reasons many rural regions have weaker cell signals is the land’s layout. The countryside typically has hills, trees, and even mountains that may stand between the closest cellular tower and your home. Signals can get caught up in the obstructions, making it more challenging to maintain a steady and reliable signal.
If you live in a more open farmland area, this may be less of a concern for you. However, it’s worth bearing those factors in mind before moving to a new area and having a general understanding of the layout of the land.
How To Enhance Your Signal in a Rural Area
Understanding how to stay connected when moving to a rural area can save you a lot of hassle. You may be able to take care of many of these steps before you settle into your new remote lifestyle. One piece of advice is to check which service provider offers the strongest signal in your area. Changing carriers may be a slight hassle, but you don’t want to stick with a company that doesn’t offer much out in the countryside.
When moving to a remote area, the best thing you can do is invest in a cellular signal booster. A proper booster kit includes an interior and exterior antenna, an amplifier, and coaxial cables to ensure you can install it.
Signal boosters latch onto weaker signals and amplify them to help ensure that you can maintain stable, reliable service. However, it’s vital to know that boosters only work if there’s a signal to connect to. If there’s nothing close enough for your exterior antenna to pick up, it won’t do you much good. You may be able to find a signal by placing the exterior antenna farther from your home and closer to a nearby tower, but greater distance will slow down your signal, so you may have diminishing returns on it.
If you have a booster but feel your signal is still not connecting as well as it should, you may want to invest in a different antenna. Many boosters use omnidirectional antennas, which send out a signal across an area. These options provide more coverage but are often slightly less powerful. Try finding a booster option with a directional antenna that you can aim solely at the cell tower. By homing in on the direct source, it creates a more robust connection that may play a big part in boosting your signal.
General Benefits of Cell Signal Boosters
The most obvious benefit of having a cell signal booster in a remote area is that it helps enhance and strengthen your signal. A better signal means a more stable connection when using your phone, fewer dropped calls or voices cutting out, and faster speeds when sending or receiving text messages.
Nearly all signal boosters provide quality 4G and LTE coverage. Many modern boosters properly handle 5G, and manufacturers work to ensure they remain compatible with future technological advancements in cell service connectivity. Nearly all boosters are compatible with Telus, Rogers, and Bell, the top carriers in Canada, and with top providers from the United States, including Verizon, T-Mobile, and AT&T.
Boosters benefit all cellular devices, including phones and tablets, and are easy to install and monitor with little technical knowledge. Boosters operate solely on electrical power and do not require Wi-Fi or other signal options to continue running. Those looking to maintain a strong mobile connection when living out in a remote area will greatly benefit from installing a booster in their home.
For those looking for cell phone extenders for the home, SureCall Boosters has everything you need when it comes to buying, installing, and monitoring cellular boosters. We have a wide range of antennas for both rural and urban environments that work for residential areas, workspaces, and mobile automotive options. To learn more, please browse our catalog to see which option best suits your needs, or contact one of our experts directly by email at sales@surecallboosters.ca.