Cell Tower Coverage Analysis Tool
You've taken the first step to solve your cellular signal problem and purchased a SureCall Signal booster. Congratulations!
In order to have the best possible results from your new SureCall Booster, you will need to determine which cell tower is optimal for your location, which you’ll do through a cell tower analysis. And even if you already know how to locate a tower near you, that doesn't mean that it’s the best cell phone tower to aim your antenna at. For example, various mobile providers have their broadcast on their own network towers; if you use Bell, you’ll need to know where the nearest Bell network tower is. That's why we utilize our cell tower analysis tool to provide a free analysis with every purchase of a SureCall booster kit.
There are many factors that are considered in our Cell Tower Coverage Analysis Tool to find the optimal tower for your location:​

With this information, we are able to successfully recommend the direction to point your outside directional antenna, saving you time and providing the best possible performance from your booster. Essentially, knowing the cell tower location ensures you install and point your outdoor antenna in the best area for optimal connection. The last thing you want to do is place it in the wrong spot, as that won’t do much to boost your signal.
You can also use this tool to find 5G cell tower locations. As this new generation of mobile network rolls out, you’ll need to find towers that can already supply 5G.
And remember that if your booster doesn't live up to your expectations, SureCall Boosters come with a 60-day money-back guarantee and a 3-year warranty. Our mission is to ensure Canadian residents receive the cellular coverage needed to remain connected.
Call us at 1-888-389-5799 or email sales@surecallboosters.ca to take advantage of this complimentary cell tower analysis service. And if you have any other questions, please feel free to reach out to us!