In the past few years, video calling has become more popular than ever. Some people use their cell phones to get face time with friends or family, while others use this feature for their jobs. Whether you’re making a direct video call through your phone or using an app with video call capabilities like Discord, Microsoft Teams, or Zoom, a smooth connection is vital. Nobody wants that awkward moment of telling the other person that their screen froze or having to check if they can still hear you just because the video stopped moving. Fortunately, here are six ways to improve video calls on your phone. SureCall Boosters is here to discuss maintaining a proper connection, strengthening your signal, and even ensuring that the sound and video on your call are up to a professional standard.
1. Upgrading Your Software
One of the first things to look at when improving any program or application on your phone is to ensure you’re using the latest version. Updated versions often fix bugs, add new features, and run more smoothly than outdated versions.
Also, check that your phone is running with the latest firmware. If your phone is running on an outdated operating system, having the newest version of your video call app might do more harm than good. The developers behind your video call app likely built the latest version to work with the most recent patch for your phone’s firmware. You may find yourself trying to run a program optimized for iOS 16 when your phone is still running 13.7 and wondering why you’re having some compatibility issues. Ensuring your phone is up to the most current update is a great way to help make sure your video calls go more smoothly.
Likewise, you should also run the most recent version of whatever application you use for your video calls. Many phones will update apps automatically, but it doesn’t hurt to check for any newer versions you can install and go from there.
2. Disable Background Phone Applications
Sometimes the most significant problem with your video call isn't with the software or signal but with your phone trying to do too many things simultaneously. Maintaining a well-connected video call can be taxing on your phone, so it's always a smart idea to try and eliminate as much background noise on your phone as possible. If you're having trouble staying connected, see what else your phone is running.
If you have many background apps open or your phone is trying to download stuff, there will be a lot clogging up your device, making connecting to your video call more difficult. The best solution is to completely shut down all unnecessary applications and see if that makes a difference. Sometimes, turning your phone off and on again may help reset things and get it running more smoothly.
3. Improving Your Signal
The best software and hardware in the world won’t be able to make good video calls if you have a weak signal. One of the best ways to improve video calls on your phone is to strengthen your signal. If you’re making video calls from home or your office through an app, you more than likely have Wi-Fi and can try to get stronger connections by speaking with your internet service provider. However, you may also make video calls directly through your phone's call function and need a stronger, more reliable phone signal.
Installing a cell phone signal booster in your home, office, or even vehicle can significantly affect the quality of your phone calls. Regardless of your cell service provider, you can use a booster to amplify your signal, and that can help get you steadier and more stable connections when making video calls.
4. Getting a Proper Headset
Not everything about improving your video calls is about maintaining the connection and helping it run smoothly. Instead, we may want to ensure that our calls are as professional and look and sound as good as possible. A common problem with video calls is reverb, where you may hear your own voice as it comes back through the call recipients' microphone. This echo can be annoying or make it harder to listen to the other person.
We recommend investing in a proper headset when making video calls. Many headsets have Bluetooth capabilities and comfortable, high-quality headphones with a microphone to make it easier to talk to others clearly.
5. Camera Angle
Many people struggle with proper camera angles on a video call. You don't want to hold the camera too high so that it's pointing down at you, and you want to make sure the person on the other end isn't staring up your nose. You also want to keep a respectable distance, so don't hold the camera too close to your face.
With all of these different things to keep in mind, the easiest solution may be to invest in a tripod or similar device to hold the phone throughout your call. A tripod will prevent your arm from getting tired on a long phone call and maintain a professional angle throughout. We suggest having your phone at around eye level and about two feet away from your face.
6. Lighting and Background
Backgrounds can be difficult when you're making a video call. Neutral backgrounds with minimal distractions are ideal. Fortunately, many video call apps allow for virtual backgrounds that take some of the pressure off you if you don't have the best filming setup. We also recommend having proper lighting so that half of your face isn't in the dark or there isn't an immense glare coming in from the side. You may need to experiment with different angles and light setups to get it looking professional, but when it does, you should be good to go.
For more information about all the amazing things you can do with your cell phone, SureCall Boosters is here to help. Not only do we have several helpful guides and articles, but we're your one-stop shop for cell phone boosters for homes in Canada. Check out what helpful products we offer, and if you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact us anytime via email at Sales@SureCallBoosters.co.ca.