As Harold Samuel, Baron of Wych Cross, famously once said, it’s all about “location, location, location.” Antenna placement affects the quality and capabilities of your cellular booster system. Antennas play essential roles, capturing and (re)emitting the radio waves that send and receive data passing from your phone and network tower. Here are some tips on how to aim your cell booster antenna to optimize your booster system and its various benefits.
Line Up With Cell Towers
When considering your cell booster antenna placement, consider the role of cell towers. Cellular booster systems capture, amplify, and remit radiowave frequencies. According to the law of thermodynamics, the energy of radio waves can neither be created nor destroyed, meaning that the only way to improve signals consists of interfering or meddling with the waves that’re already available. Cell towers capture and emit radio wave signals between other emitters and receivers like antennas. Since cell towers are the main source of traveling radio waves, locating nearby towers and ensuring that your outdoor antenna lines up with them optimizes the number of signals your antenna connects with and catches.
Create Easy Maintenance Accessibility
Like any device or piece of equipment, antennas require regular maintenance to maximize their functionality. Placing your antenna within accessible locations makes the maintenance process easier, and it’ll also increase the efficiency and easiness of installation. Depending on your building, the best place to put your antenna may vary. Placing your outdoor antenna by the window or near a balcony for apartments or high-level offices creates optimal accessibility. For most homes, anywhere you can prop up a ladder offers adequate access convenience.
Avoid Possible Signal Interceptors
Signal interceptors come in a range of forms, from certain building materials to geographical features like mountains and dense forestry. Other common interceptors include tin, copper, aluminum, various large debris, and fiberglass, among many more materials. Installing your antennas away or not in the line of sight of possible interferences increases the operation of your booster system. It also increases your systems’ chances of capturing incoming signals and connecting with your cell phone and cell tower.
Meet the Requirements of Your Antennas
Outdoor and indoor cell booster antennas operate differently, depending on their type. Two of the major signal distributions and capture ranges include omni-directional and directional. Omni-directional antennas produce coverage and nets in all directions. Akin to the glow of a lantern, their range covers more surrounding areas but often lacks stretching across distances. On the other hand, directional antennas project a straightforward signal tunnel in one direction that reaches longer distances but covers less total square footage. Indoor antennas also offer a range of distribution coverages, generating different compatibilities for rooms, floors, and angle coverage, as well as mount options.
Finding the best cell booster antenna placement ensures your home cell signal booster system operates successfully with minimal potential issues. The placement of your antenna affects its range, scope, and ability to interact with passing signals. Since you can’t create new signals, capturing and connecting with existing signals plays an important role in providing adequate connectivity to boost and improve your calling and texting experience.